
Most agri-based SMEs are faced with the challenge of consistent supply of high quality horticultural produce CropCare organizes farmers based on the uptake capacity of the SMEs. The farmers are equipped with information on GAPs, post-harvest handling, financial literacy and production and quality targets.This approach develops local home-grown solutions to challenges that hamper consistent supply of produce through issues such as low productivity, post-harvest loss, side-selling, lack of working capital, etc. We work to foster trust among value chain actors and mutual understanding of each needs to build a sustainable business relationship.

What We Do

Other services we provide


Promoting of consistent supply of horticultural produce

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Enhancing performance of small-scale farming supply chains

CropCare works to improve the performance of small-scale farmer supply chains

Why Choose Us

Special Support & Caring Organic Farm


Natural Process

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Fresh & Organic Product

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Homegrown Goodness

To take a trivial example, which of ever undertakes laborious physical